Happy new year everyone! I love the first day of a new year. There’s so much hope. It is like a fresh start...a blank canvass...time to make changes...and leave the past behind.I was not sad to see 2010 end. It had not been a great year. It had been a year of transition...self discovery...a work in progress....of healing.
After my devastating break up (real break down!) I learned that life does go on.... I decided to get to know me again...date me....focus on doing the things I’m passionate about...things that had been put on hold during my last relationship.
2011 is going to be different...even if I’m starting it off alone.I may be alone but I’m happier and healthier than I’ve been over the last few years. I feel a real sense of peace and in awe of my blessings. Sometimes you need time between relationships...time to find and learn to love yourself again.
There are no year resolutions..just new year actions. It’s all happening. Enjoy it cause this year will fly past like the last one.
All the best for 2011!
happy 2011 lola.. I hope everything turn well to you and myself too!!
a bit belated but lets hope 2011 brings us more happinness and laughter....u have us at HELLO love should you need a shoulder to cry on...bila nak balik nih?
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