I have been MIA (missing in action) with the skin allergies! Thanks for all the good wishes. I ingat kan skin itchy due to cold cuace kat sini , as my skin get sangat kering uoolls... so I pakai le pelbagai jenis lotion , nan adoooo nye elok , no improvement at all ... so gi jumpa doctor so he advise me to take "Antihistamine" , so I pung makan le Cik Jah the obat , rupa-rupa nye my allergy due to my food consumption , but till today , I masih tak tau what I makan yang tak betul yang cause my skin nye allergies. Now I dah OK back so leh le hupdate my blog balik ... 2nd reason why I have been MIA ??? Busy with my kerja uooolllss , banyak sangat deadline to meet and last nite je I balik umah @ 12am ... tapi yang best nye balik malam , tak ramai orang kat subway , so tak berebut uoolllsss , nanti I story uoolllsss pasal the train ride masa nak gi kerja in the morning ... cuci mate , I very the sukeeeee uooolllls .... tunggguuuuuuu tau !!!!
mebbe pertukaran tempat kots u olls? i myself till to-date not sure what am i allergic to. ada skali tuh makan ayam goreng then kena habuk that's it trus bengkak mata jadik katak. neway, u take care & must keep the tablets in hand at most time. the clinic sana sama mcm sini gaks ke? or u have to have insurance to get medical treatment mcm kat states?
kat sini , not as bad as back there in states, here medical is free to all canadian , so the government subsidy the medical fee , but it is good as well for you to have insurance , Boo tu le till now i tak tau apa yang i alah !!!
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