Groundhog DAY ...

Below -0C one day and the next raining on top of the snow. I don’t think I will ever get used to that.
Do we really believe the old myth or saying that they can predict anything? I think the weathermen can do all the predicting they want to and still be wrong. Back when my late grandma was young they used to use nature to predict things more than anything.
She could look at the sky and tell you if and when a storm was coming by the way the animals acted. There was NO big predictions from the TV weathermen back then. We have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.
She could look at the sky and tell you if and when a storm was coming by the way the animals acted. There was NO big predictions from the TV weathermen back then. We have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.
Groundhog Day started in Europe, but it wasn’t called Groundhog Day then. The holiday was
Candlemas, a Christian holiday. The legend about the animal and its shadow was part of candlemas, but the animal in question was the hedgehog.The Pilgrims brought the tradition to America but couldn’t find a hedgehog here, so they seized upon the next best thing as the groundhog and the hedgehog are related. Groundhogs rarely come out of hibernation on February 2. If it’s cold, they might not come out until March. We’ve seen them popping out of the ground on TV, but News crews (shockingly!) have been known to wake up a groundhog and drag it out for its photo opportunity. Supposidly if the groundhog sees his shadow we have 6 more weeks of winter.. if he doesn’t SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! This is one time I want CLOUDS…just to be on the safe side of things!!!
Candlemas, a Christian holiday. The legend about the animal and its shadow was part of candlemas, but the animal in question was the hedgehog.The Pilgrims brought the tradition to America but couldn’t find a hedgehog here, so they seized upon the next best thing as the groundhog and the hedgehog are related. Groundhogs rarely come out of hibernation on February 2. If it’s cold, they might not come out until March. We’ve seen them popping out of the ground on TV, but News crews (shockingly!) have been known to wake up a groundhog and drag it out for its photo opportunity. Supposidly if the groundhog sees his shadow we have 6 more weeks of winter.. if he doesn’t SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! This is one time I want CLOUDS…just to be on the safe side of things!!!
Hope you all will have a great day no matter what the day brings!!
i want their 2 teeths!
Boo ...
1st time I tengok groundhog , but this time warna puteh , elbino kot !!! he he he ... anyway gigi tu exactly like my pics.... comel le tau !!!!
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