" Happiness " ...

Decide to be happy/happier. The super simple strategy:
* identify what makes you happy - do these more often
* identify what makes you unhappy - do these less often or not at all
A slightly more involved strategy (but still simple):
A. Assert self-control
Accept that you can only control your own thoughts, words, and deeds. The influence these exert on your circumstances is considerable. This is your power.
B. Develop your ability to set and achieve goals
This is a science and an art. The criteria for a goal is: challenging and achievable. Too easy and you won’t be excited by the possibilities. Too difficult and you won’t act because you’ll be intimidated. This is a skill that can be developed. What is challenging to a child is routine to an adult. Challenging to a beginner is mundane to a professional. It is an individual issue (i.e. the challenge is a self-challenge).
C. Adapt to reality
When life happens as you are acting on your plans you have three useful options:
utilize life’s events to your advantage (this is the ideal solution),
work around it, through it, over it, deal with it somehow (the second best option), or
adapt your goal in light of the new circumstances (the bend but don’t break option).
Do not become despondent and give up. Focus on controlling what you can control, yourself. Everything else is out of your hands.
D. Choose to be around happy, positive people
Why would you choose to be around people who take the joy out of your life? Remember also that you influence others through your own behavior. So be happy and positive yourself. Chances are the miserable ones won’t want anything to do with you. But if they do stick around you may rub off on them.
E. Strive for continual improvement
Do not think about maintaining your current level of happiness or your current quality of life. You’re either getting better or you’re getting worse. Nothing is just maintained. Every day do something to get better, to improve. Even small advances that are continual add up to big advances. Begin and then keep moving forward. Constantly move forward.
hi lola:
commenting abt being with positive people. sometimes its hard to find one.. being an asian, we are born to be surrounded with negative thoughts, low self esteem and all the negative thingie.. even having a friend who we thought can help us to bounce back our downwards, it turns out they cant do that much
so i think to keep on motivating n being positive it has to come within oneself... huhuhuhuh
me learning n teaching myself hard to be positive at all time.. but sometimes i broke down...
but life goes on anyway.. hiksss
Lola dearie... good article, although some of the points (like Eddie puts it) are not practicable... But have to totally agree that in order to be happy/happier, it comes from one's need to be happy/happier... The choice is ours and ours alone...
Thanks for dropping by my blog every now and then...
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