My Thoughts " Grammys "

My thoughts on my favorite performances that actually "blew me away":
Tina Turner and Beyonce - Woah, I never thought I'd see Tina Turner tonight, that was surprising and un-expecting. She performed the songs "What's Love Got to Do With It" and "Proud Mary". Tina has to be at least 70 years old by now and man, she's looking fine and sexy for her age. I was amazed and knocked out cold by Tina's performance tonight, she was unbelievable! Tina Turner hasn't made a new album in years, and I think that performance there calls for a comeback to music full time!!!
Amy Winehouse sattelite performance - This was a mind blowing performance too and you can immediately tell she didn't lip synch it. Come on Amy! You just won 4 awards tonight. Don't fuck your career up 'cause you got a good career ahead of you. Please do not become a trainwreck like Britney Spears. Everybody loves Amy. Stay healthy, get your life together and come back to music! I'm glad she did the songs "You Know I'm No Good" and "Rehab".
Nice job on the Grammys. I'm impressed. :)
I felt the same things watching Amy - I'm sure many people did. What a lot of talent, you just want to see her do well.
isshhh have to watch it also nih. 2 thumbs up for amy & may this be an eye opener for her to be on the right track. kadang2 heran gud future lies ahead of u but u chose all those craps to destroy it in a split second...hmmm i wonder why
Tina Turner rocks!!
I saw her last year in Oprah Winfrey show...
Pasal grammy tuh I tak tgk.. kekeek bleh???
but I will definitely tune into the E News.. nak tgk fashion crime ..sapa yg paling teruk....motiff??
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