Marriage Partnership

Every spouse stumbles in many ways, if my spouse has a bad day, I realize he’s acting normally. This means that, instead of focusing on the occasional disappointment, I can be grateful for the positive acts of love: every spouse stumbles, but not every spouse acts so kindly toward the spouse who stumbles.
Disappointment and a lack of respect are often birthed out of unrealistic expectations. It’s not fair to compare your marriage to something you’ve seen in a movie or read about in a novel—that marriage isn’t real. And even if you see a seemingly ideal marriage at the hotel, civic centre and etc, you don’t know what’s really going on during less public moments.
This understanding gives me great appreciation for my spouse, who’s willing to engage in a difficult task with me. Even though it can be difficult, my husband has hung in there with me; we confess to each other, we forgive each other, and sometimes we have to learn to forget what each other did. What an amazing thing that another human being would do this with me instead of running away. You have to keep in mind that no man or woman is ever “on” all the time. This explains why your spouse can be so thoughtful, caring, and attentive one day, and so aloof, harsh, and critical the next. You have to give your spouse room to be a less-than-perfect human, to have bad days, “off” days, and “average” days……………..
Thank you my dear " DMG ", for everything!
one thing for sure we cannot change our other half. all we can do is tell him/her our preference and maybe along the way they will act to our liking
well dear.. in relationship.. we need to be patient a lot.. but sometimes when things didnt work out. u have to go out...
as of u.. i'm glad and happy that ur marriage is nurtured and both of u loving each other....
true enough that sometimes no one is perfect but wil anyone willing to wait to see the imperfection and cope with it? if that person willing to go thru all the challenge, he is the winner..
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