The Dark Knight is Dark

1. It is indeed a dark and violent movie
2. The script is well written
3. Christian Bale is hot…but what is up with Batman’s voice! It sounds like he is constipated or something!
4. Maggie Gyllenhaal is bland
5. Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker is amazing. What a crazy psychopath!
All I can say is…if a movie can keep me thinking about it for this long…then it means it was good! But then again…Batman is one of my favorite characters if I could pick out of all those superhero/villains characters.It was awesome. I have to honestly say it was the best of all of the batman movies. Heath ledger gives an amazing performance. Most of the movie I forgot it was him. Seeing this movie and the absolutely amazing performance he gave makes me that much more sad that he died. He could have had a long and insanely successful career.
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