They say opposites attract. But is this true in relationships? Can two people with two different life roads and who are driven by very different things come into a partnership? That is the question I am pondering.My boyfriend and I had a talk about our relationship. It seems that some things are not working. True…no relationship is perfect. I seem to be going there and he seems to be going the different direction. Neither of us wants to break up but we have both realised that our relationship is not progressing and going where we want it to go.So I wonder if love can make two people compatible? Or is it all about compromise? I likes to stay in..He like to go out. I likes stability and he like chaos. He has grown up and matured and I am still a kid at heart. I'm a planner and he is spontaneous. He’s happy and I am neurotic.My friend thinks I think too much Maybe he’s right Maybe I should just enjoy things and not think so much about it. I do tend to analyse things way too much.
Pretty SweetBoy
i guess along the way we get to know each other better. its not easy but its good that both of you talked bout it openly rather being drifted way farther. compromise and giving in is a must at times. but again be fair.....just play along with the flow and see how it goes
Dear Lola,
Life is cruel and difficult... I understand exactly what you are going through... but the beauty is that it helps us to grow up and mature... it's a good thing that you guys are talking about it... My secret is I concentrate on his good traits rather than focusing on the bad ones (although I bitch about it to really close friends...) At the end of the day, being married takes more than just love, it's a life partnership and compromise is always the main ingredients... think before you do something stupid darling... wouldn't want you to regret later... Nonetheless, always remember than you'll have us around to give you moral support...
Lots of love babes... and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
lola:i hope u both can go thru it together.. i'm sure both of you can talks about the problem should there any. I'm really sure DMG is mature enough to see things
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