fall it is

This is my second autumn or fall here in Toronto so I know what to expect now. I know that the nights will be longer now. I know that 8 pm is already dark. I know that we will have cooler or lower temperatures. I know that the maple leaves will start to change its color and will soon fall from the trees. I know that I will be raking a lot now and that will replace cycling as my exercise. I know too that I need to cover up now and my sexy clothes are no longer appropriate to wear.
This is my second fall and I know exactly what to do. I have to organize my closet again to make room for our fall and winter clothes. I have to sort out my summer clothes… keep those that still fit and throw or give away those that don’t.
As the leaves change its color from green to monochromatic red-orange-and-brown hue so as the breeze will start to feel chilly despite the warmth of the sun that will constantly shine through.This is the time for harvest. This is the time for thanksgiving. This is the time for new hope.
This is my second fall season and I know it will not be the same as the first. And just like every changing seasons my life is constantly changing too. Maybe this fall, things will turn as colorful as the maple leaves. And as they fall on the ground I hope my life will also find the beauty of being free and well-grounded, literally and figuratively.
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