I'm Coming Out ...

Coming out rich is much easier than coming out poor. Coming out is not a destination but a journey.I am not totally out to all my family. My father still lives in the dark although he has stopped asking if I have a girlfriend. The rest of my family is cool with it .... actually I think they would be upset if I was straight. I'm the "gay uncle, son and brother". Coming out is much easier now than it used to... at least in Canada and Australia. But in some countries, it is still against the law to come out. Religion , fear and hate. It's a bit sad to think that our sexuality (who we can love) is 'decided' not by us but by outer forces or how others view us. Seriously, what it has to do with them ?!
well dear: ppl always ought to think that gay people is abnormal.. but gay people is still human being.. still live in a normal value of life.. its jst that we are attracted to the same sex.. that's all..
about ricky case.. no suprised at all...
to me its nothing new. one glance the 'gaydar' is spot-on LOL
end of the day, whom you choose to be or lead your life behind my back is so your business...its the friendship that I treasure most
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