Congratz DMG !!!

So very the penat u all .. as I and DMG sibuk sangat last week ... sibuk dengan our real estate agent as DMG and our real estate agent Paul , sibuk dengan purchasing of our new house , you all the urusan jual beli mengambil masa till 1200 mid-nite ... I dah mengantuk sesangat , tak leh nak tunggu dah ... Exactly 1147pm , DMG got the house and the deal pun tutup.... We both so happy as we all akan pindah to our new house very soon , once we're back from our Boston trip... On the same nite we both pegi celebrate , we both Celebrate kat Boston Pizza Restaurant , we all reached home at 200am . Tapi I sempat lagi ambik gambor of big pumkin at one of the house at our street as Halloween is just around the corner ...
So this year Christmas and New Year Celebration will be at our new house ...The house just nice for us , 5 rooms bungalow ... tu je , the best part with a nice front & back yard , so leh le I and DMG BBQ selalu... so now I've to get a lots of magazine on interior design... I love to decorate and tak sabau le how it will turn out ... So I & DMG kena le bertukar - tukar info , on the colour and what is our konsep ... gitu !!!! Sekarang nie pung I asyik tengok TV show on interior design ... I managed to ambik pics of our new house and the interior before the make over gitu, before I tukar it into my own way of doing interior , my konsep senang je Balinese or Asian gitu ... Tapi I need to tengok what new furniture we both planning to get for the new house . DMG very senang orang nye as long as we both agreed on the colour , fabric & very the cozy and not konservatif , he ok & I pung ok le , lagi pun duit dia not me .... :) Nak gi IKEA this weekend , cari ilham gitu and other Home & Living Concept stores around Toronto ... Rajin nie , this is my new project before end of 2007... Tunggu kemunculan " Casa Impian Bersama Lola " ala ala " Casa Impian Bersama Eric " Adoooooohhhhhh !!! Berangan gitu :) :P
I love the style!
congrats to both of u. waahh rejeki penantin baru katanya ahahhahahha. suker la the layout & can imagine lepas dah taruk barang nanti. nak cat apa seme ke dear? the existing place n barang2? jual ker rent ke? sket punye sebok daa
ehhh mcm rose ngan papa bear punye umah pun yea gaks the color.
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