Halloween OOOOOhhhhhhhhh !!!

Halloween is just around the corner ...so orang kat sini dah ready with Halloween decoration. Kat supermarket , macam-macam pumpkin di jual , dari yang kecik sampai le yang very the big gitu. A few blocks from my current house , ade satu family nie decorate their front yard with a big pumpkin ... Cantek sangat , especially bila dia orang turn on the light ... I gi minum coffee with DMG friend yesterday dekat Gay village , Queen Street , so the whole street pun dia orang decorate with pumpkin neon light. DMG bagitau , on the Halloween nite itself they will closed the street for the Halloween party , so we both decided to come down to Queen street that nite to party and to hang out with his friends gitu ... so I will take more pics le , so will share with you guys later ... CYA !!!
waahh syioknya dear. so u guys decided to dress us as what? nak jugaks trick or treat taauuuuu taruk bounty sama milkway bnyk2 ahahhahahha
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