Again Masak With Chef LOLA !!!

I picked up some Alaskan salmon yesterday at Asian supermarket , so ingat kan nak masak with nasi but I love to have it with pasta so I decided to masak Garlic Shrimp Pasta & Grilled Alaskan Salmon , sekejap je I masak , I have marinade the salmon earlier , I letak dalam fridge for 30 minutes , while waiting for my pasta nak "Al Dante" gitu , I get ready with my pasta sauce , senang je , so once the sauce dah ready I mixed it up with my pasta , just like that and served it while it is HOT .... Waaallaaaaa !!! Salmon , I grill in the oven for 10 minutes , and make sure jangan grill it untill it dry or untill the fish just flakes when tested with fork.
Betty Boo , I baca you nye fotopages about the donut , I gi beli donut this afternoon after my gym workout so I have it as my pencuci mulut for our dinner...
Kenyang sangat nie ... urrrrrrmmmmpppphhhhh !!!! Alhamdulilah :)
booooooooooo u r so kejiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! mana aciii nak lonut gaks ahhahaahha. eat on my behalf kay! the normal glaze is the champion of aall kaann. isshh am now craving for pasta la puloks
bet .. jangan runsing .. krispy kreme on the way .. yeyyhaaaa
omg did i hear it right? krispy kreme kaming my waayy? oohh pensan...
booo hupdate laaa
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