DMG = Bundle of Emotions

I’m not just talking about how much it sucks that DMG mother is dying, it also sucks that DMG and his father has to deal with DMG mother's dying. But I feel the worst for DMG as I can literally tell his heart is breaking. We all know it is coming, but like all the other inevitable deaths that I’ve had to deal with, knowing doesn’t make it any easier.Half of me just wants it over with, half of me is feeling like someone who keeps a pet alive because it’s what the owner wants, not necessary what is best for the pet. Sorry for comparing my mother in law to a pet.While I know that sitting here pining over the unavoidable isn’t going to change anything, I can’t stop thinking.
What is good, is that she is making her transition surrounded by her family who loves her.
Some days love hurts. But to never have love at all would be the worse existence imaginable.
Some days love hurts. But to never have love at all would be the worse existence imaginable.
DMG chose to love her mother , my mother in law, and in his love, he stands by her while she makes this final life transition. I’d be willing to bet that even though it hurts him, there is nowhere in the world he’d rather be. His family “deals with it,” not out of obligation, but out of love. Trust me, when my Mum & Gram was passing (I believe they called it “the active phase of dying”), those of us who were there were there because we wanted those precious last days to celebrate her life and to celebrate the fact that without her, we wouldn’t be there at all. It hurts like hell, but we endure.
DMG are an incredible, caring, sensitive, strong, and brilliant man.
I know DMG are angry, and that’s completely normal and expected. Blame is normal. Not understanding is normal. Unspeakable sadness is normal. Having a loved one pass is one of the hardest things the living have to deal with and it is never easy, not when there’s that much love involved.
Hang in there. These are hard times we need to go through sooner or later. It's great to be surrounded by love ones during heartbreaking moments. Take care there...
owh sorry to hear what had happen... i hope both of u strong to deal with the test...
at this hard time u have to support DMG as much as u can.. and if he is whining the best thing u can do is listen n shut up! hehehhe
u take care dear...
Bell & Eddie ...
Thank you so much !!!!
adooiii i feel 4 u dear.
all i can say is stay strong during these trying times. whats with her final days are counted. you are dmg's shoulder to lie on for now & should he utter bitter words towards you its not actually meant for you so be patient
take care dear!
Lola .. we are in the same boat. My father in law is not well too. He is getting weak n weak and today he is back in the hospital. I know how DMG feel right now cuz my papa bear is feeling the same way. We have to be strong for them.
Betty Boo ...
Thanks Babe !!!
Rosie ...
We both need to be strong as well...By the way , thanks !!!
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