Sex and The City Movie !!!

Detailing how I held my breath while watching the girls on the big screen.
“you have to risk the love you have for each other in the future will not allow that to happen…” - Steve & Miranda discussing about distrust and betrayal
“i love you but i love me more…” - Sam to Smith
“I feel happy everyday…” - Charlotte on her marriage to Henry
“we’ve already done everything we can to screw it up and we are now together…” Carrie to John

My heart wrenched when John couldn’t step out of his car into the wedding reception. When Carrie hit him with her beautiful bouquet of white flowers I thought that was it - THE last straw. Poor Carrie. I believed most girls would be able to sympathise with her. His promises emptied on the most important day. How cruel.
I was “wowed” when Miranda and Carrie had their big fight. But made up and were still best of friends.
Samantha on her love for Smith. She couldn’t love him more than herself. I thought she had already maxed her capacity to change for Smith. Waiting at home to surprise Smith on Valentines’ is something she has never done. Remember Richard? She ended it off the same way when she pulled off her pearly thong and left it on the table. She NEVER liked waiting.
Charlotte played a less significant role in SATC Movie. Only that some miracles happen - She finally got pregnant! True to her nature, Charlotte was so ever supportive and faithful to love. I still remember her chirping - If she hadnt gotten married to Trey, she would have gotten divorced and have met her lawyer and current husband Henry.
In the end - Sam was left single. I wasnt surprised. I would be surprised if she had chosen marriage over botox! Haha! At 50, She was the only one celebrating the joy of being single and she loved it every bit of it.
Steve and Miranda - Forgiveness is forgiveness. Will we be able to forgive? But Miranda forgave his infidelity. I thought It was hard for Miranda to forgive Steve - Given her strong headed character, cheating once would meant the chance to cheat again. When she gave up her life for a married one with Steve that was her compromise. But for the kids, women swallow their pride and forgive - Is that why most women stay in bad relationships? May happen to some men as well.
10 long years - After Aidan, after Berger, after Alex… it came down to Big.
Congrats to Carrie!
oohh cant wait for it to reach our shore abaden am sure the gud parts will be zasttt away..i mean what's the point of labelling it 18 whatever huruf u want to put yet some scenes you still have to potong? hmmmmm
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