T for Tag ...

B for Blog :- I began blogging actively in April and boy, was I glad to discover this wonderful world!! I discovered a new talent inside me, made some very good friends and received a lot of feedback for blogging this year. People actually like what I write!! Wow!!! Yooo hooo!!! Lesson learned - Its never too late to discover something wonderful inside you. If you have it, people will appreciate it.
B for Boring :- I am not ashamed to admit I can be the most boring person at a party. Sometimes I’m just not feeling it and I often find myself where i don’t belong.
C for Coffee :- I love coffee.. but not to the point of addiction
C for Cooking :- I am in cooking mode lately. Everyone who knew me in University knows that all I can whip up are cup noodles and hot water, but not anymore! I’ve been learning how to cook and so far the results are not half bad. They tell me it’s good, either it’s really good or they are good liars LOL. I think I can survive now even when I end up stuck in the middle of nowhere. So maybe I cannot fight wild gorillas but at least I can feed myself while they haven’t come yet right?
F for Friends :- I consider my friends the most important people in my life.. after my family of course.
L for Loyal :- I’m a VERY loyal person.. & I tend to expect at least the same.I detest un-loyal people.. and I loose my respect for them & never trust them ever.
L for Love :- I’ve only truly fallen in love once in my lifetime.
L for Late :- I cannot handle being late to any sort of event. I will be in a state of serious mental anxiety until I have safely arrived at my destination in good time. Just ask "DMG". It happens every day on the way to work.:-)
M for Music :- I heart music, and I’m so picky about the music I listen, although I can listen to any genre.
M for Movies :- 2008 has been a year of some wonderful movies. My pick for the best movie of 2008 will be Slumdog Millionaire. Its just too awesome!! The biggest disappointment was the postponement of Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince. Lesson learned - When in tension or depression of any sort, watch movie. Works every time.
M for Multitasking :- This year I have juggled so many tasks at once that I am assured of the fact that I really am a Scorpio. 2008 has been a very busy year. Lesson learned - Get a pocket memo…mental notes can lead to data loss if one day your brain decides a time out. Its ok to be busy but always unwind once a month by taking a day off.
Q for Quest :- In 2008, the eternal quest for peace of mind finally began to see a light on the horizon. After few years of emotional stress I feel my mind is at peace now. Peace that comes out of trust. Lesson learned - Trust is the most important thing. God does listen to prayers.
Q for Question :- 2008 has been full of both questions - personal, professional, academic and answers too which I have sought out myself; except the academic ones which were found in books Lesson learned - Wrong decisions are the ones that are easy to make. The right ones are usually hard. The right answers are always there in our subconscious minds..sometimes we just choose to ignore them.
Q for Quit :- I quit the tag now. Lesson learned - When tagged, do it asap so that others can’t tag you. Even if they do, tell them you have already done the tag.
T for Tag :- She’s a sweet, shopaholic gal, that I call a friend who tagged me !!!
W for Weight :- I always complain about my weight. This is purely the idea of My Man. He says I am obsessed with my weight. I am so not! But he says I am. It’s just that over the holidays I gained 10 lbs. I am so looking forward to loosing weight. Ugh.
As for tagging, I tag nobody, but anyone who would like to do it (in its altered state of course!) is more than welcome to!
ahahahh can imagine u yakk...yakk..yakkk all the way until u reach the opish. ehhh i thought 'mat salleh' is very particular with their time?
Boo ... Nan Adoooo !!! 2 x 5 with us gak !!!
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