
They say truth will set you free. But does it really? Most of us like to live in make believe…we pretend we are taller, skinnier, have more muscles, less love handles…we like to believe that our jobs are important, that our relationships are healthy and that our dreams will come true. I find when it comes to friendships and relationships…the truth often does not set you free and at times it is best to live in land.
Here is the dilemma…a very good friend asks you for your honest opinion on his current relationship. The truth is going to hurt. This guy is basically just using my friend and my friend can do so much better. My friend is extremely in love with this guy…he’s probably not really in love..not in a week at least…he’s extremely blinded by the fact that he has found a man who is paying him attention.
The truth is this guy treats him badly, uses him for money and actually makes him emotional. But he can only see the good (make believe) things in this guy. The truth is he’s afraid to be single…afraid to keep looking for love. So truth or dare time?
This episode has occurred to me countless times during my dating lifetime. Most of the time my friends tell me what I want to hear..but every once in a while one of them is brave enough to tell me the truth about my relationships. “You are going to break up,” one friend said. “You can do much better,” another one once said. The thing with truth is that unless you are ready to hear it…you will just ignore the writing on the wall. Everyone likes to live in denial...ask my father who still believes I will find a nice girl and get married.
The truth will set you free…when you are ready to accept it. So I’ve decided that when he asks me about his relationship, I will turn his question into another question. “What do you think about your relationship?” Maybe this is Freud's way to get to the truth..if that fails you can always talk about the weather!
hmmm true the truth hurts nak2 if it hits your batang hidung. but again they dont call love is blind for nothing and not until you've experienced it yourself than you will realise what others have told you before. i guess this what makes us more matured & understands more about life
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