Relationship mis•com•mu•ni•ca•tion

Do you ever wonder why you can have such great communication with friends but not boyfriends? Why is it that your friends get you? Why is it that they can just read you…? Why is that if a friend says that they are too busy to see do not worry. But if your boyfriend says he needs time alone…it somehow translates into “I want to break up with you.”
“Gee knows me too well. She and I have no secrets."You are such a freaking victim and drama queen,” she said. Normally I’d take such comments very personally and I would be upset. I take everything personal…even if people say not to take it personal. Insecure? Yes…. But Gee, she was correct. I was like the poor maid in a Latin American soap opera. I was the Betty in Ugly Betty. I want everyone to feel sorry for me!!! The Jews may have guilt cornered but no one does the poor martyr/poor me girl like the Latinos!
My behaviour was having destructive implications on my relationship. All good things require effort.I still have to work hard at it, 2 years down the track. Worth it though :-)Well the path of true love never did run smooth after all :)
Um, I think that we're different with different people. My boyfriend acts very differently when he's with his friends and I'm sure talks to them about things that he'd rather not talk to me about. I don't mind, it's nothing for me to be jealous about. After all, I talk to my friends in a way that I wouldn't talk to my boyfriend. Each person in your life has a different role and the role of a friend is probably easier and less demanding than that of a sexual partner, lover etc.
its true dear the getting to know or learning bout each other can never till the extend you can read your other half's mind than you have upgraded yourself to the next level LOL. end of the day its about compromising and not to take on so much of the petty little things. voice out what u feel inside and do not keep it like a volacano. you can never change your partner but you can guide and lead him according to your liking. gud luck!
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