2009 Oscar Predictions

Sunday night, February 22nd, the 81st Annual Academy Awards. It’s Oscar Night!!
I am proud to be a movie buff and very proud that Hollywood, Bollywood and all points in between still take pride in the craft that is filmmaking. I was lucky enough to see all five Oscar nominated films and then some over the past year. I did not see every nominated film, but most critics did not either.
Here are my 2009 Oscar Predictions, these are just my picks, do not go bananas if you disagree, but I’d love to hear your opinions.
Best Picture : Slumdog Millionaire & Academy Pick : Slumdog Millionaire
Best Actor : Sean Penn , Milk & Academy Pick : Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
Best Actress : Kate Winslet, The Reader & Academy Pick : Kate Winslet, The Reader
Best Supporting Actor : Heath Ledger , The Dark Knight & Academy Pick : Heath Ledger , The Dark Knight
Best Supporting Actress : Viola Davis, Doubt & Academy Pick : Viola Davis, Doubt
Well, there you have it, my 2009 Oscar Picks. What a great year for movies. Oh, one more pick, I think Hugh Jackman will do a very fine job.
Your OSCAR host ...

mencikkk kena kerja tak pat nonton oscar
Tak pe uoolsss ...mesti ada siaran ulangan kan ... My predictions salah satu je ... Viola Davis supporting actress , I want her instead of Penelope Cruz ... Anyway I'm happy I nye Sean Pean menang Best Actor !!! KUDOS !!!
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