Car Shopping
DMG currently own a Cadillac STS. But he need something that will keep his costs low.We’ve been doing some shopping, and we keep getting signs everywhere. It’s like the great spirit up there is telling us to get this or get that. Here’s what we have our eyes on…
I’ve been a MINI fan my whole life and DMG a HONDA freak. Stopping at a Honda dealer to look at an The 2009 Accord Coupe that caught DMG eye…
I’ve been a MINI fan my whole life and DMG a HONDA freak. Stopping at a Honda dealer to look at an The 2009 Accord Coupe that caught DMG eye…

Isn’t he handsome?
One look was all it took, and DMG was hooked. I knew what DMG wanted next time around.
Me? I’m definitely keeping my eyes open at the Mini Brand. Isn't he handsome too ???
Oh yeah, I’m also interested in a Mazda 8
Aha…decisions, decisions, decisions. The sooner, the better!
WAHHHH now shopping kreta trus yerr.. tak main dah cik jah.. shopping baju n buku.. hehehehe
that new honda accord coupe is hot!!
itu la fasal kaann makan ati nih u ollss....hiks get both la dear LOL
Eddie & BOO ...
DMG for sure ambik Honda Coupe , I tak tau lagi ... MINI or Mazda RX-8 ... Besar kemungkinan MINI uooolsss ... BOO , you pun dah guna 5 series , I nak gak BMW tapi DMG dapat MINI pun jadi le uoolsss ...
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