Spring Cleaning

In preparation for my upcoming trip to Toronto , I decided to do a bit of spring cleaning this week. I started going through my closet and my flat trying to get rid of clothes I no longer wear, books I will never read again and CDs that I will never listen again. There is something therapeutic about cleansing your home from unwanted belongings.I came to KL with only two suitcases. Nine years later I have accumulated an apartment full of clothes, memories, hopes and lots of stories. I like to think of myself as a minimalist. When I was younger, my mother would have quaterly and monthly cleanings. She is a big believer that you should throw out half of the things you own. We would never actually throw it out, just donate it to charity.So while I did a bit of Spring Cleaning (I wore that shirt….yikes..how many pairs of Jeans do I need!). I took stock of my own emotional cleaning. In the last five weeks of detox, I have been trying to cleanse my body, mind and heart of some toxins and get rid of unsued feelings and emotional baggage. It was so refreshing to let go...A test of my detox was last Friday when I met up with Emm and his new boyfriend Jud. I had been in love with Emm earlier in the year but tragically he did not reciprocate those feelings for me.As I sat on one side of the table across from the happy couple, I realised how I had really thrown out my feelings for Emm, I was no longer in love with him. I was no longer jealous of Jud. I was just really happy for both of them…for finding each other…for sharing their company. They are really both meant for each other.The good thing about spring cleaning….is sale shopping! Filling the closet again. Spring cleanings are good for the economy. Toronto here I come! I'm so happy that I'm be leaving to Toronto in September not end of August as I've too many things to settle ... I'm lucky as most of the flight is fully booked on that day !!!! But I'm still going to be with my love one ... "DMG"
yahooo..clap..clap...the date is not gonna be that soon! do hupdate u kay dear! sempat tak posa in malaysia?
talking bout spring cleaning time even 1 full day may not be enuf if u start pondering looking back at the past memories. so have to be heartless & just chuck everything away.
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