Sometimes you have nothing to say; like the saying, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. But sometimes you need to say something but you can't find the words. Other times you just want to avoid conflict so you leave everything be. Regardless of the plan, sometimes it doesn't matter what you say, it is what you don't say that matters. When I was younger, I use to put myself in the middle of people who surrounded themselves with drama and pot stirring. It seemed like the right thing to do during that time in my life. But as I started adding on year, I realized that I needed to breakout of those situations and either go solo or find some new friends. With this struggle came a growing opportunity. In the beginning I would confess what was in my mind and heart, but fighting, anger and fear all came about too quickly for me to wrap my head around. So a new approach was formed; it is what I refer to as stop, drop and run. You can use these same steps with fire prevention, but I think its roll instead of run. I stopped communicating, I dropped these friends and I ran away from the issues. Yes, I know this isn't mature, but in the few cases when I tried to stick around and makes things better - it backfired and made everything ten times worse. Like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, I try to forget anything ever happened. But that isn't always the case when memories haunt your mind from time to time. You try and remember all the good stuff and the like a flood, you remember that things are not as they seem. I have even caught myself thinking - why am I not friends with that person anymore? As the years pass, it seems to get easier - but that doesn't mean you just forget. Time does heal situations, but it doesn't completely wipe your head clear. The only offering is to try and learn from the situation and attempt to never repeat it.
i do agree with u.. sometimes silence is the best way to avoid things becoming worse....
too many talks leads to problem anyway....
hmm at times its like that. better stay far yet keeping in touch then having face to face contact 24/7. it will grow fonder & there will be more to talk about
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