Last Friday , DMG jemput family dia datang rumah for makan - makan time ... saje je , as DMG nie very the family oriented orang nye ... That's good , as that's the time I nak kenal family DMG , I am very close dengan anak pompuan DMG , Shanelle , my 2nd time meeting his parent Pauline & Norman , and anak laki DMG , Corey ... Si Corey pernah datang rumah DMG few times but we both segan nak bercakap , so waktu makan malam tu pun Corey kurang bercakap , as DMG cakap dia segan dengan I ... Adoooooo. Anyway we had a great family dinner last friday.
I beli all the ingredients untuk masak hari Khamis , I love to do groceries shopping , as my menu for that day - Sweet & Sour Chicken with Pineapple , Stir Fry Vegetables and Butter Prawn. Penat gak le , all the vegetables I bought it from Basic Price Supermarket and the ayam tu I kena gi beli dekat kedai pak arab , Ya ampun masuk je kedai Pak arab to get the ayam , I pengsan , bau wangi bercampur rempah ratus make me nak muntah ... tapi satu benda je I can't get that day , daun kari ,,, satu Toronto I cari , ngak jumpa... I only managed to get it hari Sabtu after I and DMG tengok rumah yang DMG nak beli ... Sakit hati nye I.... I beli le daun kari tu , I simpan dalam fridge , untuk next time punye cooking series... gitu!!!
I masak after I balik dari kerja , so I cut all the vegetables , ayam I potong kiub and the prawn I gi defrost... Seronok gak masak nie , and everything goes well , I dapat pujian dari my mak & bapak mertua I you all... Anak pompuan and anak lelaki DMG and DMG itself memang kuat makan ... Mak & Bapak mertua I , bawa desert - Kek Coklat & Pumpkin Pie , sodap , I kan sweet tooth , so I enjoy makan desert dari apa yang I masak...
After the dinner , je , we all duduk kat living room , tengok TV , caya tak we all tengok kartun South Park , very the kelakar , we all gelak riuh satu rumah... Dia orang balik pukul 11 malam , only anak pompuan DMG je overnite dengan kita orang as tomorrow we all ade appointment with bird breeder , as DMG buying exotic bird untuk Shanelle for her 16th birthday gift. So that's it ...
Memang penat but berbaloi gitu ....