Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I can’t help myself…
This was THE MOST AMAZING AMERICAN IDOL PERFORMANCE that I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!
David really IS destined for greatness!
Best of luck kiddo. You rock!!
Say what you need to say ...

Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Time for the red carpet ...

The Oscars are on tonight. I have watched this show as far back as I can remember. I love to see the red carpet and all the hoopla. I really don't know why I like it so much, I am not one who is big on getting all dressed up. And I have only watched one of the movies nominated for best picture. So I guess I will be cheering for Juno and munching on some M & M chocolates tonight.

Best Picture: will win: "No Country for Old Men;" should win: "Juno"
Best Actor: will win: Daniel Day-Lewis for "There Will Be Blood;" should win: Tommy Lee Jones for "In the Valley of Elah"
Best Actress: will win: Julie Christie for "Away From Her;" should win: Christie
Best Supporting Actor: will win: Javier Bardem for "No Country for Old Men;" should win: Tom Wilkinson for "Michael Clayton."
Best Supporting Actress: will win: Tilda Swinton for "Michael Clayton;" should win: Swinton
Best Director: will win: Joel & Ethan Coen for "No Country for Old Men;" should win: Tony Gilroy for "Michael Clayton"
Best Original Screenplay: will win: Diablo Cody for "Juno;" should win: Cody
Best Adapted Screenplay: will win: Joel & Ethan Coen for "No Country for Old Men;" should win: Sarah Polley for "Away From Her."
Yes, I am partial toward three movies on this list: "Juno," "Michael Clayton" and "Away From Her" but they truly were three of the best films of 2007 and I'd love to see them rewarded. We'll see. Anyway, that's my two cents.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Moments ...

Our life is compose of a series of moments, not the bigger picture, not the drama, not the search for total bliss nor the happily ever after. Oftentimes we want to stay in a certain situation forever that we wish it to never end but as there is beginning so there must be an ending. Why can’t we stay in a particular situation forever, why must it have to move on and change because for me the beauty of life is not the bigger picture or happily after. The beauty lies in the moments. Sometimes we forget to savour the moment we rush so fast to things that needs to be done, to goals that needs to be achieve, to problems need to be fix and so on and so forth but we forget to just sit and relax and see and enjoy that moment for once its gone you can never really go back to it.
There are moments that I savor so much that I keep them close to my heart and I thank all those people who share those moments with me for without them it wouldn’t be as memorable. I have my moments of joy, moments of tears, moments of triump, moments of englighten, moments of great friendship, moments of love, moments of letting go, moments of surprise, moments of lost, moments of betrayal, moments of being special that I thank God everyday of my life for the moments that made my day beautifully bless. It might not be much to some, I might not be as successful nor as achiever as other people but I’m grateful for the friends I’ve met along the way who share special moments with me and for the men who share a bit of their lives I also thank you for that moment when you’ve also been a part of my life.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Dirty Moon ...

The GTA experienced a total eclipse of the moon on Feb. 20, 2008.
I just came back from work with my "DMG" where I observed the first half of the total lunar eclipse event. I’ve never really taken the time to observe eclipses like this where the Moon travels completely into the Earth’s umbra or shadow like I did tonight and in doing so, several thoughts crossed my mind.
Standing and watching this event occur was like watching paint dry, but with way more educational value :) The sky was so clear tonight, I took the time to also watch the rest of the night sky. The shadow that the Earth was casting, suddenly made the moon look dirty in my eyes… Did you watch the eclipse?
Monday, February 18, 2008
" Happiness " ...

Decide to be happy/happier. The super simple strategy:
* identify what makes you happy - do these more often
* identify what makes you unhappy - do these less often or not at all
A slightly more involved strategy (but still simple):
A. Assert self-control
Accept that you can only control your own thoughts, words, and deeds. The influence these exert on your circumstances is considerable. This is your power.
B. Develop your ability to set and achieve goals
This is a science and an art. The criteria for a goal is: challenging and achievable. Too easy and you won’t be excited by the possibilities. Too difficult and you won’t act because you’ll be intimidated. This is a skill that can be developed. What is challenging to a child is routine to an adult. Challenging to a beginner is mundane to a professional. It is an individual issue (i.e. the challenge is a self-challenge).
C. Adapt to reality
When life happens as you are acting on your plans you have three useful options:
utilize life’s events to your advantage (this is the ideal solution),
work around it, through it, over it, deal with it somehow (the second best option), or
adapt your goal in light of the new circumstances (the bend but don’t break option).
Do not become despondent and give up. Focus on controlling what you can control, yourself. Everything else is out of your hands.
D. Choose to be around happy, positive people
Why would you choose to be around people who take the joy out of your life? Remember also that you influence others through your own behavior. So be happy and positive yourself. Chances are the miserable ones won’t want anything to do with you. But if they do stick around you may rub off on them.
E. Strive for continual improvement
Do not think about maintaining your current level of happiness or your current quality of life. You’re either getting better or you’re getting worse. Nothing is just maintained. Every day do something to get better, to improve. Even small advances that are continual add up to big advances. Begin and then keep moving forward. Constantly move forward.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Eastern Tradition Meets Western Groove
Buddha Bar
For those with an interest in Buddha Bar music, The nature of the singing is traditionally aramaic, but the distinctive chanting styles have a backdrop of electronic instruments using the same phrases and cadences that are played on traditional instruments. Their nature is 'eastern', the dressing is 'western'. Artists include Oliver Shanti, Blue Tribe, Sina Vadjani and many others. I love the music coz it is very very soothing and relaxing...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Welcome to Spring Rolls !!!

I've got a special dinner last night with DMG at the pan-Asian restaurant ,Spring Rolls. It’s very rare to find a restaurant where price and quality fuse into a sweet melody of satisfaction.
I had “Ho Fun” in Black Bean Sauce with scallops, calamari and tiger shrimps ( thick rice noodles in an aromatic black bean sauce) and DMG had General Tao Chicken ( lightly breaded chicken, broccoli, peppers and asparagus in Chef Hai’s unique General Tao sauce ) The pan-Asian restaurant ,Spring Rolls offering frugal prices that don’t compromise quality or charismatic décor. With abundant dinner selections on the menu, there’s something for everyone, even for the most finicky of eaters.
Check out their website
I had “Ho Fun” in Black Bean Sauce with scallops, calamari and tiger shrimps ( thick rice noodles in an aromatic black bean sauce) and DMG had General Tao Chicken ( lightly breaded chicken, broccoli, peppers and asparagus in Chef Hai’s unique General Tao sauce ) The pan-Asian restaurant ,Spring Rolls offering frugal prices that don’t compromise quality or charismatic décor. With abundant dinner selections on the menu, there’s something for everyone, even for the most finicky of eaters.
Check out their website
LOLA's Book Club
What would it be like to have one more day with someone you loved that has died?
" for one more day " written by one of my favourite writers , Mitch Albom. Causes us to look at, and reflect on, family, parenting, blame, difficulty, alcoholism, divorce, and so much more. It is, unfortunately, a reflection on real life. I am not a very fast reader though and yet it took me just more than a day to finish.
I'll tell you guys a little bit about the story :
Well the story is about a boy who grows up in the 50's and 60's kind of worshiping his dad who tells him he has to be a "daddy's boy" or a "mommy's boy" but he can't be both so he picks to be a "daddy's boy and then he sees his father disappear when he is 11 years old and he never comes back. His mother is sort of left to raise him and he never really appreciates her because he's always chasing after his father. Even when he is an adult he becomes a baseball player for a period of time to try and get his father back into his life. After that, when he is in his 40's he goes chasing after his father one last time and the weekend after he does that his mother dies and he's not there. He begins to regret all of the time he didn't spend with her and his life starts to go downhill, he becomes an alcoholic, he looses his job, and his family. He actually decides he wants to kill himself because he doesn't want to live anymore. He goes back in the middle of the night to the little town he grew up in. He goes to his abandoned old house and he pushes in through the door planning to kill himself and he hears his mother's voice calling him from upstairs as if she was still alive and had never died. She comes downstairs and she is right in front of him as if she had never died. All of a sudden he begins this one last day that he gets back with her where he doesn't know if she is dead or alive or if he's dead or alive or whatever. She spends the day with him and kind of walks him through his life and shows him all of these things he didn't understand about it, and him, his father, and all the rest. He finds out that a lot of things he should of done while she was alive he gets the chance to do on this one last day with her.
Pheww…what can I say. The non-fiction and ghost-like story touches me and brought me tears…I can only say this is the best book ever I have read this year so far. To me, it's very moving and it definitely is a worth reading book. However, the warning is if you don't like venturing into emotional story, may be this is not your book.
Masak With Chef LOLA !!!
This is my favourite dish , Daging Masak Itam , I can consider this is my family nye favourites recipe ... So I teringin sangat nak makan my favourite dish , so I pung gi beli all the bahan-bahan. I'm so lucky that I have all the main ingredients at home so I just need to buy few things at the Asian supermarket. Ever since I'm here in Toronto , I've no problem in finding all the ingredients that I need for cooking.
So sampai rumah je I terus gi blend all the basic things and I marinate the red meat for 30 mins. to 1 hour , depends with uoolllss , lagi lama marinate lagi bagus .... lagi rasa all the ingredients in the meat. It took me one hour to masak till the meat tender gitu... Enjoy !!!!!
Ps : Boo , nanti I balik Malaysia , I masak for you OK !!! Janji :) :P
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day !!!
Today is a day loved by florists, greeting card stores and chocolate makers ...
I got 3 beautiful roses, one big mug of M&M chocolates, a lovely card … and we decided to go for our Valentine's Day dinner tomorrow as today I'm coming back from work very late. All in all, it has been a wonderful Valentine's Day.It is great to have a special someone to share the day with….but in reality Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday.In either case....Happy Valentine's Day...whether you are single or coupled...feel the love today!
Ps : I balik umah very the late semalam lepas keje... pasal nak belikan DMG nye gift. Yang best nye the mall penuh with Valentine's nye decor and everyone's sibuk last minute shopping for Valentine's nye gift... meriah uoooolllsss ...
Monday, February 11, 2008
My Thoughts " Grammys "

My thoughts on my favorite performances that actually "blew me away":
Tina Turner and Beyonce - Woah, I never thought I'd see Tina Turner tonight, that was surprising and un-expecting. She performed the songs "What's Love Got to Do With It" and "Proud Mary". Tina has to be at least 70 years old by now and man, she's looking fine and sexy for her age. I was amazed and knocked out cold by Tina's performance tonight, she was unbelievable! Tina Turner hasn't made a new album in years, and I think that performance there calls for a comeback to music full time!!!
Amy Winehouse sattelite performance - This was a mind blowing performance too and you can immediately tell she didn't lip synch it. Come on Amy! You just won 4 awards tonight. Don't fuck your career up 'cause you got a good career ahead of you. Please do not become a trainwreck like Britney Spears. Everybody loves Amy. Stay healthy, get your life together and come back to music! I'm glad she did the songs "You Know I'm No Good" and "Rehab".
Nice job on the Grammys. I'm impressed. :)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My Review of "Rambo"

Watching “Rambo” yesterday night in a packed theater was one of the best experiences I have had at the movies.
A great action movie. Stallone proves once again that he is a talented actor/writer/director. Not as good as Rocky Balboa, but one of the best in the Rambo franchise. A must-see for fans and better than most of the action movie garbage out recently.
FOR ALL THE FEMALES!! Women, if you dont like lots of blood, guts, flying body parts, death, rape then I advise you to rethink seeing the movie. However it was a very good movie, as long as you can handle seeing all of the above it's a good movie. Just a pre-warning, because I wasn't expecting all that.
Loved it. Too short. Very real. Makes one think, if a movie stirs you in any way, then it did its job, regardless of what those emotions are. This did the job. Great job Stallone, but it could of been greater still. Rocky Balboa was a better effort, that deserved a 10, this, a 9. So when's Rambo 5 comin' out?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Birthday My BIG SISTER !!!

She celebrated her birthday today , Tuesday, February 5th. So here goes. (God I know my other sister (”handle” is IJ) is going to read this and be all, I can’t wait for mine?!?!?!?). Rest assured neither one of your posts will say…”you are the best sister evah”…I may be the youngest but I am NOT stupid like that!
Dear Sofia J ,
Where do I start? Happy Birthday !!! (that was a good start, no?) We’ve shared many many moments being a part of our family together. You’ve been there for me through it all. We’ve had our share of close moments I must say. I think reflecting on growing up with you would be a wonderful opportunity at this time. We’ve had our good times and not so good times.
I can’t possibly forget how you were like a second mom to me always looking out for me.I remember our holiday trip. I also remember you calling me on my birthday. I remember your first car, the pearl white Proton. I remember the day you told me you were pregnant with Shafiq and I remember the day Shafiq was born and how fast (Yeah rite) you delivered!!! I remember it all. Believe me when I tell you this post has been locked up tight in my handheld email device waiting for me to post it. Happy Birthday big sister.
I can’t possibly forget how you were like a second mom to me always looking out for me.I remember our holiday trip. I also remember you calling me on my birthday. I remember your first car, the pearl white Proton. I remember the day you told me you were pregnant with Shafiq and I remember the day Shafiq was born and how fast (Yeah rite) you delivered!!! I remember it all. Believe me when I tell you this post has been locked up tight in my handheld email device waiting for me to post it. Happy Birthday big sister.
Your Little (not so little) Brother ...
Sunday, February 3, 2008

It is that time of year again, and everyone is gearing up for the big game. On February 3, Super Bowl XLII will reach one billion people worldwide. Weather people sit down and watch the game,halftime show or to watch the awesome commercials shown during the game.The day of superbowl people spend time with there family and friends having a BBQ,drinking,betting on a team to win for money,etc.kinda like a holiday lol.

2008 New England Patriots vs New York Giants
Happy Super Bowl Sunday...
Ps : I and Mama Bear bet yang menang Partriots .... OMG !!! I didn't know that you were into football! Well im into it too ...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Groundhog DAY ...

Below -0C one day and the next raining on top of the snow. I don’t think I will ever get used to that.
Do we really believe the old myth or saying that they can predict anything? I think the weathermen can do all the predicting they want to and still be wrong. Back when my late grandma was young they used to use nature to predict things more than anything.
She could look at the sky and tell you if and when a storm was coming by the way the animals acted. There was NO big predictions from the TV weathermen back then. We have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.
She could look at the sky and tell you if and when a storm was coming by the way the animals acted. There was NO big predictions from the TV weathermen back then. We have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.
Groundhog Day started in Europe, but it wasn’t called Groundhog Day then. The holiday was
Candlemas, a Christian holiday. The legend about the animal and its shadow was part of candlemas, but the animal in question was the hedgehog.The Pilgrims brought the tradition to America but couldn’t find a hedgehog here, so they seized upon the next best thing as the groundhog and the hedgehog are related. Groundhogs rarely come out of hibernation on February 2. If it’s cold, they might not come out until March. We’ve seen them popping out of the ground on TV, but News crews (shockingly!) have been known to wake up a groundhog and drag it out for its photo opportunity. Supposidly if the groundhog sees his shadow we have 6 more weeks of winter.. if he doesn’t SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! This is one time I want CLOUDS…just to be on the safe side of things!!!
Candlemas, a Christian holiday. The legend about the animal and its shadow was part of candlemas, but the animal in question was the hedgehog.The Pilgrims brought the tradition to America but couldn’t find a hedgehog here, so they seized upon the next best thing as the groundhog and the hedgehog are related. Groundhogs rarely come out of hibernation on February 2. If it’s cold, they might not come out until March. We’ve seen them popping out of the ground on TV, but News crews (shockingly!) have been known to wake up a groundhog and drag it out for its photo opportunity. Supposidly if the groundhog sees his shadow we have 6 more weeks of winter.. if he doesn’t SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! This is one time I want CLOUDS…just to be on the safe side of things!!!
Hope you all will have a great day no matter what the day brings!!
A Winter Wonderland !!!

I have to admit, it is beautiful outside and it is the kind of snow that is peaceful and serene when it falls. But I’m a little exhausted of the constant shoveling as it is starting to take a toll on my back. We’ve discussed hiring someone to handle our snow, but it seems silly... But I can’t explain to you just how much snow we truly get, and how a lot of the snow from the street and the parking lot ends up on our lawn . At this point, a few more inches and we’re actually going to have a space problem as far as where to put the snow. But we’ll manage, I know it got worse then this last year!